Esports and Video Games: Coping Through Though Times

Deval Shah
Deval Shah October 14, 2021
Updated 2023/09/01 at 12:32 PM
Esports and Video Games

The onset of the pandemic meant game time for many players around the world.
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There are different types of video games and consoles today.
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From the Nintendo Switch to the PlayStation, people all over the world have been going nuts over newly released games. Playing various video games amid the pandemic is a normal way of coping with the current situation.

Feeling in control when playing games allows players to feel the same when outside the game. Being in control affects how we perceive our truths. Playing games is not a bad pastime. Order your latest games and peripherals conveniently and accept your goods from your delivery courier.

Your mental health break that is playing video games can also be an income-generating project. When things can’t get any better, knowing that you can earn from your hobby and stress-reliever might motivate and push you need to remain calm and collected despite the situation. Explore the monetized path of the contemporary video gamer so that you can set up your own account and find a niche in the gaming community.

Amid the pandemic, gaming communities around the globe are still thriving. People continue to purchase games and play individually or with friends via online calls. These gaming communities have been thriving despite or because of the health crisis.

What’s New in Global Gaming

The world of the gaming industry has reached even wider audiences due to the new normal situation. Amid this quarantine period, people have been seeking new and safe pastimes to engage with. By playing video games, players can virtually interact with friends and loved ones through the Internet.

Many people have subscribed to popular video games since the start of the pandemic. Even individuals who are least expected to be video game players have turned to the game side. One example is the grandmother, who has become popular due to her video game streams online.

Around the world, gaming has become a buzzword and one of the hottest hobbies for homebodies. Playing video games has become an intense pandemic pastime to the point that some countries have been trying to impose limitations on video game usage among younger players to minimize the risk of addiction.

Game companies continue to produce games and launch video game consoles, such as what happened with the Nintendo Switch recently. Nintendo has launched the latest version of their Switch console. Even the movie streaming platform, Netflix, has been eyeing expansion into the gaming industry.

This goes to show that the gaming industry is a continuously expanding market. Companies should learn to keep up with consumer demands to avoid disappointing their vast audience. There is a lot of potential in the gaming industry, especially given that many people have even learned to monetize their video game hobby through streaming their game sessions.

Esportsas a Profession

The esports industry was already popular even before the onset of the pandemic. However, during the quarantine period, people have been preoccupied with this industry due to the current circumstances. People have been playing video games to pass the time and to help uplift their quarantine blues.

While many new video game players aspire to become esports athletes, entering this industry is not as easy as it may seem. The good news is that there are plenty of career opportunities in the gaming industry today. Get started in your new virtual career as an esports athlete. Work towards improving your technique and skills in your gaming adventure.

Esports goes beyond taking care of your mental health. Engaging in esports has become a serious profession for many video game players around the globe. The industry involves major prizes and serious training and preparation. Entering the esports industry is not your usual afternoon gameplay with your neighborhood friends.

Become a Game Streamer

Monetizing one’s hobby is everyone’s ultimate dream and life goal. Get started in your journey towards monetizing your game playing. Learn to stream your game sessions online using game streaming apps such as Twitch and Discord. It will be a slow start, but you can work towards growing your platform over time.

Before fully committing to this industry, familiarize yourself with the potential obstacles that you may encounter along the way. Becoming an online video game streamer has its challenges. One of the most obvious hiccups would be the money you have to invest into your equipment to deliver high-quality streaming content to your viewers. From the microphone to your webcam, you have to follow a certain standard to be up to par with your competitors in the market.

Playing video games is a fun hobby that almost anyone can pick up.
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Monetizing this hobby is a different story altogether. Figure out if you are willing to invest time and money into this industry before going all in.

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